Beaker blown into shape, colorless glass with dark red-brown, stained walls, marbled in shades of blue using colored glazes, sanded, eight-fold peeled, curved walls with rollers on the base, 2 rows each with eight highly ground, gold-contoured oval medallions, the remaining wall filled with impasto Opaque enamel and gold painting in the form of flowers with foliage, offset lip edge gilded on the outside and inside, base with notched cut decoration. Cup is in intact condition. Glass from the Harrach'schen Hütte, Neuwelt in Northern Bohemia or the Buquoy'schen Hütte, Georgenthal or Silberberg, in South Bohemia, refined by Friedrich Egermann, Blottendorf or Haida, around 1830-35. Height: approx. 12.5 cm, bottom diameter 7.4 cm, top diameter: approx. 9.3 cm, weight: approx. 596 grams. Lit.: Catalog Shine and Color, The Christian Kuhn Glass Collection. -------------------------No shipping, pickup only-------------------- ----------------